Sexist but true!

28 June 2022

Sexist but true!

I was recently in a marketing meeting and we were discussing having dinner with professional contacts and prospective clients.  Some of my business partners who are women were saying that it can be difficult asking male contacts for a dinner event.

I then said it is difficult for women in such circumstances – I quickly followed this by saying ‘I probably can’t say that’.  But true.  I followed this by saying that it was a sexist but true comment.

We are now forever ‘looking over our shoulder’ when we make such comments in our society.

Such things however are true …I am a short, fat Cornishman.  Whatever I may say, nothing can detract from the truth.  I work in an environment that calls a spade ……a shovel.

Please do, when you next see me, refer to the fact that I am a short fat Cornishman.  This will, if nothing else, let me know if my Bloggs are being read by anyone.  That’s what I call market research.


Vince Edwards

