Running out of time?

29 April 2022

Running out of time?

Over the last few months I have attended 3 funerals. Never an enjoyable event, but always important to pay respects to family, friends and business associates.

It caused me to stop and think. I always find it surprising when clients tell me that they have started to receive their pension. But then I’m not 20 something any longer!

It makes me think that it is wise to ensure that we have our Wills, Power of Attorney and lasting wishes all set out so that there are no nasty surprises when the end date comes.

It is always interesting to hear what the old sayings of the deceased were when the eulogy is read. One that I heard recently was “we’ll find a way”.

For me a couple of sayings are “Things don’t get any better for leaving” and "Eat the Frog”. No one likes dealing with difficult things but once done we all feel much better for it.

It may be a tough decision but come and talk to our team in Launceston…………..”We’ll find a way”!!


Vince Edwards

